How often do you meet someone who really wows you?
It’s rare to be wowed.
I was wowed while teaching yoga. This doesn’t happen often.
Nicole approached Balance Yoga to ask about classes. I urged her to try Mysore style classes, precisely because instructors work closely with students, almost like a group private session. Most people are scared of Ashtanga Yoga, especially Mysore style. This woman had broken her back in several places and has some difficulty moving. Yet she came to class. And then she came back.
I was most impressed by her determination and courage. We all whine about how yoga is hard. Nicole never whined or complained. But I could tell many of the movements took her complete focus and concentration. I could see how at each class movements were easier and the postures were beginning to flow.
When teaching Nicole, I could truly feel my teacher Sri K. Pattabhi Jois channeling his energy through me to her. He used to say that Ashtanga heals and that absolutely anyone can do it (except lazy people). I have been wowed by Nicole and yoga’s healing.
Nicole posted a lovely account of her journey returning to yoga here on her website.