We are delighted that AJ will teach Advanced Practices while Mikhayla A. nurtures her growing belly and eventually her baby.
What does it mean to advance YOUR yoga practice?
Have you ever wished there was more time in your weekly classes to try new and elusive yoga poses?
Advanced practice is an opportunity to play into challenging asanas through a safe, informed and adventurous approach. This longer format allows us to dig into a juicy exploration of arm balances, inversions, back bends, pranayama and meditation.
If you have a consistent practice, can do urdhva dhanurasana (upward facing wheel), and handstand at the wall then you are ready to join this bi-monthly class.
Cost: $20; $18 for BYW Members
Note that all practices run 11-1pm except July 17th and September 11th.
Sunday July 17th 11:30 – 1:30pm
Sunday July 31st 11-1pm
Sunday August 14th 11-1pm
Sunday August 28th 11-1pm
Sunday September 11th11:30-1:30pm
Sunday September 25th 11-1pm
Sunday October 2nd 11-1pm
Sunday October 16th 11-1pm
Sunday October 30th 11-1pm