Ash Wednesday Rehab, 11-1pm

What’s in your Mardi Gras future?

You went to every parade, ate a mound of king cake, and drank a river of hurricanes.
And there’s still glitter stuck to your you-know-what.

You haven’t been to yoga in days, and your body is feelin’ it.

Mardi Gras is over, and Lent starts today, but you aren’t ready.

Time to pull it together.

Let’s kick off the season of repentance with some extra sweaty flow and a whole lotta restorative. This class will be exactly half and half. So you can come do your detoxing and then get your chilled out bliss.

Bring water.

February 18, 11am-1pm

Cost $20/$18 BYW Members
Book Ash Wednesday Rehab now.

Class is limited to 15 students.

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