Friday April 17: Online Yoga Matside Info Session with AJ Durand

Take your teaching from Cookie Cutter to Diamond Cutter (Online Info Session)

Refine your practice beyond the 200-hour curriculum 

Once you started teaching classes you could easily see the specific things you are ready and want to learn. It’s very difficult for any teacher to see beyond the scope of their own practice and their own bodies. Students come to class in all kinds of conditions and so do their biographies, bodies and their expectations.


To top it off – you’re totally on your own if you have any questions. You don’t have a more experienced coworker in the room to help you troubleshoot your yoga teaching conundrums …

until now.

YOGA MATSIDE™ TEACHER TRAINING with AJ Durand is a direct hit when it comes to tackling the issues everyone faces teaching yoga and feeling flummoxed. In this 10 week Comprehensive Immersion you’ll work with other Yoga & Wellness Professionals on a similar path to reinspire your teaching and reach more students. 

Answer some of the big questions around how to

  • Address injuries, balance a multi-level class setting, and guide the room with a student-centered approach.
  • Consider a Feminist Perspective on the Psoas & the Pelvic floor.
  • Apply Small Business Marketing Strategies in an Ethical and Authentic Way
  • Star
    Discuss Social Justice & Cultural Appropriation for Equitable Community Standards and the Future of Yoga in the West
  • Bring Informed Yoga to Sensitive, Differently-Able & Aging Populations

With a meditation practice as the cornerstone, and using the Yoga of Relationship to build your foundation in just 10 weeks you’ll get clarity on your role as a yoga teacher in your community, offer guidance and support to your fellow professionals and unite in our mission to improve the yoga experience of everyone in New Orleans and beyond. 

Join AJ with your questions about the program for the Info Session on April 17th at 6:30pm. 


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