Keep cool with green! (Post & Video) by Jessica Blanchard

This time of year, it is so important that we change our diet to help us to stay cool. Our daily food intake can make us feel hot and irritable or keep us cool. Ayurveda, an ancient yet extremely relevant science from India, teaches us about the “virya” or energetics of foods. Are they heating […]

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Food, yoga and the path to “I am ness” by Jessica Blanchard

Yoga has helped me to find internal balance and unconditional self acceptance, the most important step to finding healthy weight. I took a giant leap in 2004.  I was a highly paid consulting firm executive out of Nice, France.  My heart called for fulfillment outside of the corporate realm.  I spent most week nights alone […]

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Feeling hot? Don’t eat these

By Jessica Blanchard Are you feeling hot? It is hard to cope with the long, hot, summers of New Orleans. If you are reading this from someplace cool like northern Europe or California….well, these tips will be useful to you when you do have the occasional hot day or when you feel your internal heat […]

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Boost your immunity without drugs or antibiotics

Nature provides us with a host of antibiotic substances and another huge army of immune system boosters.  This post is advocating careful thinking about how you can naturally boost your body’s defenses. I have three stitches on the side of my foot – for the first time in my 37 years.  I was a little […]

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Balance-loves-you fruit and nut bars

May 12-13 catch us at Veggie Fest for a taste of these bars! Eating healthy must be fun, tasty and satisfy all your senses. At Balance Yoga & Wellness, we love helping you to find a healthy lifestyle satisfies you deeply. We want you to be happy and healthy because we love you. The biggest […]

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So sweet but no sugar: peanut butter chocolate balls

May 12-13 catch us at Veggie Fest for a taste of this yumminess! We want you to be happy, healthy and balanced.  Eat your greens and save room for a little bit of sweet. In order to be healthy, why should we feel deprived of sweets?  I adapted these treats to use date paste instead of sugar […]

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Detox time! Anti-oxidant explosion Kale Salad

Has Jazzfest left you feeling sluggish?  You are not alone.  I started last week feeling tired, sluggish, and my nerves were even frayed from the copious amounts of coffee that I was ingesting to make up for my fatigue.  I decided to do something crazy – start a detox in the middle of jazzfest week […]

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Making YOU Right with Yoga by Aaron Lind

Many years ago, I came to yoga with the idea that I was going to fix myself. Somehow 90 minutes at a time, I would feel relief from a continual feeling of being stressed out. The physicality of asana practice and hearing bits of positive philosophy in class would get me out of my negative […]

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Diet, Yoga & Lifestyle Package

Vibrant health comes by balancing good diet, exercise, lifestyle and personally fulfilling activities. At Balance Yoga & Wellness we offer packages which address all of these areas: yoga has profound and deep effects on both the outward muscular form and inner strength. For example I’ve been using this amazing Country Recipe Book where I read […]

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