Category Archives for "Blog"

How to meditate without banging your head against the wall

Meditate. Does this word conjure up an image of a serene person in lotus position on an exotic beach? But does the thought of trying it send shivers of fear up your spine? You’re probably aware of all the benefits of meditation – clear mind, reduced stress, happier outlook, inner peace. **Sigh.** Why is it […]

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How To Keep Your Summer Glow When Autumn Arrives by Jessica Blanchard

Have you noticed a tickle in your throat, sniffles, or itchy eyes as autumn breezes blow in? I’m here to introduce you to Ayurveda, India’s 1000-year old medical system. Ayurveda helps you to prevent diseases before they rear their rotten heads. The seasons bring changes in the amount of daylight, temperature, and humidity. These changes […]

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Yoga Transforms by Tracey Duncan

Last summer I got dumped, unceremoniously and without warning. Within five months of moving to New Orleans to start our new life together, my beautiful future bride had moved out and into the suburbs. I was left alone in a big house with a lot of pets and a lot of self-pity. I had some […]

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It’s all in the prana by Jessica Blanchard

I’m beginning the fourth week of the Teachers’ Intensive with Richard Freeman. Intensive it is. I had the idea that I would have time to write weekly or even bi-weekly inspiring blog posts. Just being able to attend the sessions with my little one has been intensive. Each day we’ve broken down yoga postures, practiced […]

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Why Ashtanga Yoga is unique

A practitioner for almost 15 years, in three continents, through job and life changes, including childbirth. An authorized Level 2 teacher from the direct lineage of Sri K. Pattabhi Jois, these are some of my reflections on why Ashtanga vinyasa yoga is unique. 1. What you do in class has nothing to do with the […]

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From the Big Apple to the Big Easy by Amanda Smear Bauder

We are delighted to welcome Amanda to the teaching team at Balance.  Come and meet her Thursdays at 7:30pm, donation based class until 5/29, then an Intermediate Level Vinyasa class.  She will also teach Saturdays 10:00 Vinyasa on alternate weeks, starting 5/24.  And stay tuned for more starting in June! Last February I came to […]

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Building Community with Fund17 by Haley Burns

This Tuesday at 7:30pm Balance Yoga & Wellness will be hosting a Candlelight Yoga Fundraiser benefitting a new and growing non-profit, Fund 17. As the founder of Fund 17, I am excited that other community organizations are interested in supporting our work. Fund 17 strives to fight opportunity inequality by providing financial tools for self-empowerment […]

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