Ash Wednesday Rehab, 11-1pm

What’s in your Mardi Gras future? You went to every parade, ate a mound of king cake, and drank a river of hurricanes. And there’s still glitter stuck to your you-know-what. You haven’t been to yoga in days, and your body is feelin’ it. Mardi Gras is over, and Lent starts today, but you aren’t ready. […]

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On Falling Six Stories, Yoga and True Courage

How often do you meet someone who really wows you? It’s rare to be wowed. I was wowed while teaching yoga.  This doesn’t happen often. Nicole approached Balance Yoga to ask about classes.  I urged her to try Mysore style classes, precisely because instructors work closely with students, almost like a group private session.  Most people are scared […]

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Healthy Habits Challenge: Transform Your Body and Mind in 28 Days

Admit it. You will vomit if you read another article about New Year’s Resolutions.  Or throttle the next person who smugly tells you about their new diet. Let’s face it.  Diets don’t work.  You restrict yourself for a couple weeks, feel good about yourself, then slowly resume your normal routine….All those good intentions fall by the wayside. I’ve […]

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Quickstart Guide to Vinyasa with Tracey Duncan, Jan. 4th 3-5pm

So you’ve been coming to yoga, slowly getting the hang of it, but you aren’t sure you are ready for L1/L2 Vinyasa classes yet. Or maybe you’ve been contemplating starting yoga, but those elfin contortionists on the cover of Yoga Journal kind of freak you out. Downward facing what what? Either way, this workshop is […]

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Yoga for Justice Fundraiser: Thursday Nov. 20th 7:30-8:45pm

  Make Your Yoga Count! Join us in this fundraiser for the Promise of Justice Initiative. Thursday November 20th, 7:30-8:45pm. All proceeds go to the Promise of Justice. The Promise of Justice Initiative is a private, non-profit organization that advocates for criminal justice reform and abolition of the death penalty on behalf of indigent defendants […]

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Save the Date: Holiday Market – Saturday December 13th 1-3:45pm

Enjoy guilt-free holiday shopping at our first ever Holiday Market. Featuring hand-made treasures by our talented teachers and staff. Avoid the frenzied malls, and sip chai and ginger snaps while you support local talents. Free short Thai massage demos with Melanie Reupke.  (See below for info about Thai massage.) Some of the goodies you an […]

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