Sink or Swim by Danielle Morvan

The problem isn’t that we haven’t had opportunities, it’s that we’ve blown them- Marianne Williamson The other day I found myself feeling extremely annoyed during an early morning vinyasa class. After making the commitment to break out of my home practice and explore new teaching styles, I hung out in downward facing dog pose wishing […]

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The Elusive Ashtanga Cult by Jessica Blanchard

This article was published in Elephant Journal -> Read it here. I recently read a funny, well-written article on Elephant Journal – Are You in the Ashtanga Cult?   The article unleashed a slew of reflections on many of the preconceptions and many misconceptions that people have about Ashtanga yoga. Now that yoga has ballooned in […]

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Breathing into birth by Jessica Blanchard

In preparation for delivery, my husband and I attended a birthing class with nine other expecting couples. The time came to watch a birthing video. Our eyes widened and mouths dropped. This was a video for a “Positive and Prepared” Childbirth experience. What we saw was far from positive. Women were screaming out in agony […]

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Goal Setting and Yoga Nidra Workshop: October 6th 3-5pm with Brooke Bailey

Nidra is a Sanskrit word which means “sleep.” Yoga nidra can be described as “yogic sleep” or complete effortlessness combined with awareness. This ancient technique is designed to systematically induce deep mental, physical, and emotional relaxation. This workshop will include a discussion on how to formulate a “sankalpa” or resolution, which you will then use […]

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Six Week Series: How Yoga Makes You Happier with Brooke Bailey

September 18th – October 30th (no class meeting October 23rd) Wednesdays 5:45 – 7:15pm In this 6 session series you will examine how neuroscience and psychology validate the positive effects of contemplative practices, such as yoga and meditation on the brain. From a layman’s perspective, learn how yoga practices actually change brain chemistry to make […]

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A New Addition to the Balance Family

I am delighted and touched each day by this new addition to my life.  Friends had warned me before that a baby changes everything, and now I can understand why.  Dylan Bosco Desa was born August 25th at 4:06am.   He was born after a speedy labor, just four hours from our arrival at the […]

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