November 7 – December 19th – Reduce anxiety with Pranayama

taught by Jessica Blanchard Wednesdays 6 – 7:15pm November 7 – December 19th (no class November 21st) The holidays can be an extremely stressful period.  Learn natural remedies that will help you to feel calm and centered.  This series will be a combination of breath work (Pranayama), relaxation and meditation techniques. We will also incorporate […]

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Simple, no-Valium approach to anxiety by Jessica Blanchard

Today I was struck by an article in the New York Times about Valium, “”  The article details the rise of mood-altering drugs like Valium, largely fueled by aggressive marketing and  convincing doctors that people were better off taking Valium. Librium, Valium’s predecessor was originally marketed by showing an image of a stressed out college […]

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Pssst – Yoga Flash Mob This Sunday!

Have you heard about flash mobs?  You know, the scenes in movies where people start randomly dancing to a song in sync?  They all seem to happen in movies in NYC.  Well, this weekend, get ready for NOLA’s first ever flash mob courtesy of Yoga Lagniappe (if you haven’t heard of YL – now is […]

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Learn and love your work by Jessica Blanchard

  Teaching a yoga retreat is a learning experience and can be a tool for developing inner peace.  I thought you might enjoy this post exploring my teaching mindset.  I’d like to hear how you learn and benefit from your work.  Even when doing something you don’t absolutely love you can appreciate something about the […]

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We are OPEN with Power and Prana

We have weathered the storm just fine, and hopefully you did too.  Nothing like a hurricane to drive up our stress levels!  If you are ready for some yoga, we are ready to see you!  Please check the online schedule for teacher substitutions and any last minute cancellations.  We have power, so come see us […]

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Get Balanced: Yoga and Nutrition for Healthy Weight

Mondays 5:30-7:15pm, September 10 – October 29 Eight week series with Jessica Blanchard  This series will combine tools from yoga, ayurveda and western nutrition to facilitate a balanced approach to weight management. This program is applicable to those wishing to lose weight, gain weight or simply improve their diet to feel better. Learn how to lose […]

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Mind boggling yoga

Recently two New York Times Articles have chronicled the rise of physically demanding yoga classes in “A Yoga Mind and Boot Camp Workout” and Yoga Classes Reach for the Extremes. In one class upscale New York City class the teacher puts her “hard bodied” students through “a grinding cardio routine of lunges, push-ups, side planks and […]

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