Why Introverts Make Inspiring Yoga Teachers

Let’s face it. Social media fools us with images of yoga teachers… posing on beaches, in busy traffic, on top of mountains. Do you think that yoga teachers must delight in being in the limelight? Have your dreamed of studying  yoga or teaching, but dismissed your musings because you’re an introvert? I enrolled in a […]

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Summer Solstice Cooking Workshop: Sunday June 25th

Featuring: Hands-On Cooking Workshop, Lunch and Yoga Get a jump on summer heat with this hands-on Ayurvedic cooking workshop! Things are heating up in New Orleans, but don’t fret—Ayurveda can help you keep your cool. In Ayurveda, the outside temperature impacts our internal balance.  Hot weather raises Pitta dosha, our temperature regulator, and we can […]

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Become Body Wise: Self Care with Yoga and Ayurveda

Have you experienced insomnia, chronic stress or anxiety? Have your observations been validated by your doctor? Have you been given pills to treat your symptoms? Typically, we’re told what we should take to cure our ails. But taking a small white pill doesn’t uncover the roots of our ailments. In Eastern healing modalities, the body, […]

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3 Myths of Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga That Even Advanced Yogis Believe

Have you seen Mysore-style Ashtanga on our schedule, and thought….what’s that? Were you scared because you’ve heard that it’s dangerous, rigid or complicated? Let’s face it. Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga intimidates people.  It’s practiced in a quiet room, and new and experienced students practice together. Spooked by Mysore-style, you attend whatever class fits your schedule. By surrendering […]

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Spring Series: 4-Week Intro to Yoga

An intro series is the perfect way to get started with yoga if you are new or want a progressive introduction to yoga. Experience and/or flexibility are NOT required for these series. Intro to Yoga: Focus on Alignment with Amanda Credeur April 5, 12, 19, 26 Wednesdays 6-7:15pm  This series will demystify every cue you’ll […]

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Free Workshop for Members: Quick Evening Routine for Better Sleep

Quick Evening Routine for Better Sleep with Brooke Bailey Sunday, March 26th 11:30 to 12:30pm Sleep is the foundation of a healthy mind and body. Without adequate sleep everything from our weight to our work and relationships can be negatively impacted. This 1 hour workshop will give you a quick and practical evening routine that […]

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March 11-12th: Pranayama, Meditation & Classical Hatha Yoga Workshop with Sudhir Tiwari

Don’t miss this rare opportunity to study pranayama, meditation and classical Hatha Yoga with a master teacher. With Sudhir, you’ll examine pranayama, its purpose, technique and benefits according to Patanjali and Hatha Pradipika, and and how it is supported by modern science. The workshop will include pulse diagnosis to determine your individual pranayama & meditation practice. […]

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Spring Equinox: Stretch, Dine, & Detox, Saturday March 18th

Get on the path to clean living with yoga, delicious food, and yogi lifestyle hacks! Ayurveda, yoga’s sister science, started more than 2000 years ago. It works to bring your body back into balance so it can heal itself and thrive. Whether you’re completely new to Ayurveda or you’ve been learning about Ayurvedic medicine for […]

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