Learning to Fly: Advanced Practice with AJ Durand

We are delighted that AJ will teach Advanced Practices while Mikhayla A. nurtures her growing belly and eventually her baby. Learning to Fly with AJ Durand What does it mean to advance YOUR yoga practice? Have you ever wished there was more time in your weekly classes to try new and elusive yoga poses? Advanced […]

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The Art of Intention with Kayla Lemarie

Saturday, August 6th 2-4:30pm Intention is a powerful tool for self reflection, discovery, and transformation. This workshop explores the metaphysics of co-creation, including the Secret of Desire, the Divine Law of Suggestion, and more, to reveal why intention matters in a co-creative cosmos. Some questions that will be explored: what is intention and what is […]

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Summer Arm Balance Workshops with Melissa Clark

Arm Balancing I: Saturday June 25th, 2016 12-2pm We will explore the basics of arm balancing and discuss shoulder stability and core awareness to approach the arm balances found in primary and intermediate series of Ashtanga Yoga. We’ll learn Bakasana (crow pose), Tittibasana (Firefly), Pincha Mauyrasana (forearm balance) and Headstands. All students of yoga are […]

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New Summer Yoga Schedule Starts May 30th

Are you wondering what to do now that the festivals are winding down? And the summer heat and humidity make simple tasks like walking a chore? We’ve got an abundance of new offerings to fill your time with something besides being a couch potato. Ashtanga Program Sarah Waggener joins the Ashtanga teaching team. Sarah brings […]

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Backbend Adjustments & Assists with Meredith Murphy

Saturday May 21st 2-4pm $40 Sign up here. Explore the benefits of assisting and adjusting in heart opening and back bending asanas. This workshop is for teachers and students that want to broaden there knowledge of the spine. Asana lineup: ~Urdhva Mukha Svanasana ~Salabasana ~Dhanurasana ~Ustrasana ~Kapotasana ~Urdhva Dhanurasana ~Setu Bandhasana ~Drop Back assist Must […]

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New offerings: Intro to Ashtanga Primary & Align & Refine

Align & Refine: All levels class Wednesdays 6-7:15pm (starts 2/24) Sundays 5:30-7pm (starts 2/28) with John Mark Robbins Join JohnMark on a yogic journey to the heart. Yoga is the path and the body is the vehicle in which we travel to the energetic heart: the seat of the divine. Proper alignment of the physical […]

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Why I Need the 40-Day Reboot: Confessions of a Junk Food Vegan

Tracey surprised me with this brutally honest post. I’m pretty sure her sentiments resonate with many of you. Especially during Mardi Gras. Join her and sign up for the 40-Day Reboot. It’ll actually make getting healthier fun.   I’m sick. Nothing major, just a cold. Here’s the problem: I was also sick the week before […]

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40-Day Reboot: February 14th – March 27th

You know just how crappy your body feels after Mardi Gras. Say goodbye to your sluggish, puffy, bloated and foggy-brained self. But you don’t need pills, powders or fad diets. Because let’s face it. Diets are for amateurs. And they don’t work. You need a 40-day reboot. 40-Day Reboot is a fresh approach to yoga […]

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