Save the Date: Holiday Market – Saturday December 13th 1-3:45pm

Enjoy guilt-free holiday shopping at our first ever Holiday Market. Featuring hand-made treasures by our talented teachers and staff. Avoid the frenzied malls, and sip chai and ginger snaps while you support local talents. Free short Thai massage demos with Melanie Reupke.  (See below for info about Thai massage.) Some of the goodies you an […]

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How to meditate without banging your head against the wall

Meditate. Does this word conjure up an image of a serene person in lotus position on an exotic beach? But does the thought of trying it send shivers of fear up your spine? You’re probably aware of all the benefits of meditation – clear mind, reduced stress, happier outlook, inner peace. **Sigh.** Why is it […]

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How To Keep Your Summer Glow When Autumn Arrives by Jessica Blanchard

Have you noticed a tickle in your throat, sniffles, or itchy eyes as autumn breezes blow in? I’m here to introduce you to Ayurveda, India’s 1000-year old medical system. Ayurveda helps you to prevent diseases before they rear their rotten heads. The seasons bring changes in the amount of daylight, temperature, and humidity. These changes […]

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Mindfulness Lab, Sundays 5-6pm starts October 5th

Join us as we revolutionize public health. Did you know meditation is quickly becoming the latest public health service across the globe? Daily meditation in short doses is lowering stress, boosting immunity, and bringing you into the present moment. Mindfulness Lab is a weekly opportunity to learn more about the practice of meditation. Each month […]

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Yoga Transforms by Tracey Duncan

Last summer I got dumped, unceremoniously and without warning. Within five months of moving to New Orleans to start our new life together, my beautiful future bride had moved out and into the suburbs. I was left alone in a big house with a lot of pets and a lot of self-pity. I had some […]

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Yoga: The Practice of Presence with Laura Jarrait

Thursday October 16 10am-12pm October 20th 6pm-8pm The practices of yoga are designed to work together to help us see, soften, and release limited knowledge and conditioned patterning that keeps us living in contrived ways. As we build competency and energy in our practice through increasing appreciation for and devotion to our natural expression and […]

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Intro to Yoga: Foundations starts 10/27

Ready to get started or re-boot your yoga practice?  We have three great course options for you, in addition to our regularly scheduled classes.  Click here to view and book all Intro Series. Intro to Yoga:  Foundations with Jessica Blanchard Mondays 6-7:15pm 6 Week Series October 27 – December 1st Cost: $66 if booked by 10/24; […]

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