New Classes, New Teachers

New Fall Schedule Starts September 15th  Thursday 7:30pm Vinyasa Flow with Amanda will be a donation-based class. Starting September 15th, all community classes require a minimum of $5 donation.  If you would like to trade your time for yoga classes, learn more about our Workstudy Program here. Register online for classes here.

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It’s all in the prana by Jessica Blanchard

I’m beginning the fourth week of the Teachers’ Intensive with Richard Freeman. Intensive it is. I had the idea that I would have time to write weekly or even bi-weekly inspiring blog posts. Just being able to attend the sessions with my little one has been intensive. Each day we’ve broken down yoga postures, practiced […]

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David Swenson: October 10-12th 2014

We are overjoyed to welcome David Swenson back to New Orleans!  His Friday workshops will be held at Balance Yoga & Wellness, and the Saturday & Sunday workshops will be held at Swan River Yoga.  Please book ahead, he is a very popular teacher! We will kick the weekend off with a Special Workshop for […]

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Monthly Advanced Yoga Practice with Mikhayla Harrell

Sundays 3-5pm  August 10th September 14th October 19th November 9th December 14th What does it mean to advance YOUR yoga practice? Have you ever wished there was more time in your weekly classes to try new and elusive yoga poses? Advanced practice is an opportunity to play into challenging asanas through a safe, informed and […]

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Starting in August: Intro to Ashtanga Primary Series with Sharon Floyd

August 6 – August 30th Wednesdays 6-7:15pm  August Special: 4 weeks for $44, Book Intro to Ashtanga Now! Want to increase your endurance, strength, AND flexibility this August? This introductory Ashtanga Primary Series is a great opportunity to ease your way into a steady, rewarding yoga practice.  Students of all levels are encouraged to attend […]

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Intro to Yoga: Mind, Body & Breath with Amanda Smear Baudier

July 28 – September 8th Mondays 6-7:15pm An intro series is the perfect way to get started with yoga if you are new! Come find out how yoga differs from other forms of exercise by tapping into the connection between your mind, your body, and your breath. Basic seated & standing postures, breathing techniques as […]

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Why Ashtanga Yoga is unique

A practitioner for almost 15 years, in three continents, through job and life changes, including childbirth. An authorized Level 2 teacher from the direct lineage of Sri K. Pattabhi Jois, these are some of my reflections on why Ashtanga vinyasa yoga is unique. 1. What you do in class has nothing to do with the […]

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