Align & Refine (Anusara) class transitions & 5 Week Series

We were sad to say goodbye to our beloved Laura Flora, however we are happy to welcome two new teachers to the Balance Yoga & Wellness team.  Sometimes the closing of one chapter offers the chance for the opening of another…. Please help us to welcome the new teachers to our team! Kelly Haas Align […]

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Yoga 101

Considering starting yoga?  Let your journey begin here. Balance Yoga and Wellness has been dedicated to yoga and spreading the mission of healthy living in the New Orleans area since 2008.  Over the years we’ve seen that although each individual has unique needs, there are common threads that come up when starting yoga.  Yoga 101 […]

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Back to School Beginners Series

Now is the time to get back into a groove with yoga.  We are offering you three ways to do this with three different Beginners’ Series.   You are sure to find one to meet your preferences for yoga style and time. Advantages to starting yoga with a Beginners’ Series include: – You will start […]

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Healthy Eating Challenge – Next Steps & Recipes!

We have been hosting the Yoga & Healthy Eating Challenge for the past 4 weeks.  The Yoga & Healthy Eating Challenge is one month of focusing on eating well, making sustainable changes to diet by adding juicing to your regular eating, specially using a celery juice recipe by Hurom, while practicing yoga more than usual. […]

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Week 3: Healthy Eating Goals & Tofu Thai Curry Recipe

Calling all you Healthy Eaters –   we are already on Week 3 of the Yoga & Healthy Eating Challenge! Post your goals for healthy eating and/or yoga below in the comments. Yesterday the Healthy Eaters met for a Plant-Based Proteins Cooking Demo with Jessica. We made three great recipes  – Thai Tofu Curry, Bahn […]

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Week 2 Goals: Yoga & Healthy Eating Challenge

Thank you to all who posted your goals for Week 1 of the Challenge. By week two of the Yoga & Healthy Eating Challenge I hope that you are starting to establish a routine. You can use this post for your Goals for Week 2. Reminder:  Healthy Eating Demo on Sunday July 14th at 4pm. […]

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Easy Summertime Quinoa Salad by Jessica Blanchard

Summertime in New Orleans I like recipes that require minimal cooking.  The less need to heat up the kitchen the better. This recipe came together as a 4th of July dish that was hearty enough for me to have has the main part of my meal while the others had grilled salmon.  Unlike most grains, […]

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