Why Guided Ashtanga Classes are Awesome by Jessica Blanchard

Note:  If you are completely unfamiliar with Ashtanga this article might sound strange.  Read on for a primer in Ashtanga yoga styles.     The point of this article is to emphasize and explain the importance of guided ashtanga classes.  Lately, I’ve observed that most of the Mysore style students do not attend the Friday […]

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More Energy, Less Stress – New Classes in 2014

We are excited to offer you great new classes in 2014 – all which will help you to increase your energy and decrease your stress! New Community Class (Starts Thursday, January 16th, 2014) Thursdays 7:30-8:45pm with Danielle Morvan All levels are welcome to this energetic and flow based class.   Community classes are donation-based, pay what […]

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New Class Series: Ashtanga Techniques, January 14 – February 19 2014

Tuesdays, 5.30 PM with Melissa Clark Pre-registration required 6-Week Course In this six-week course we will explore fundamental techniques that are used in ashtanga yoga to enhance the physical practice of asana.  This class will build sequentially so registration for the whole course is highly recommended.     WEEK ONE “Tristasana: Breath, Drishti & Posture” […]

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January 18 3-5pm, Yoga Nidra and Pregnancy Loss Therapy Workshop

Facilitated by yoga teacher S. Brooke Bailey, MBA, RYT and psychotherapist Bess Hart, MA, LCSW, BACS Are you suffering from the loss of one or more pregnancies? We understand that this can be a delicate subject and is often processed alone. We want to help you move through this pain and into a more positive frame of mind. Through […]

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Our Membership

We have created this membership to encourage your commitment to yoga and to grow our budding community. Even if you plan to come to yoga two times a week, this is a great deal for you.  The cost of our membership is just $88 per month via credit card autopay, and comes with a ton […]

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10% off all Gift Cards December 1-15th

Simplify your holiday shopping with a Balance Yoga & Wellness gift card.  You can use this card for any of our services, including Yoga Classes, Private Yoga Sessions, Nutritional Consultations and Massage.   If you can’t decide what your loved one would like, then this is a great option.   You can make the purchase […]

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Thanksgiving Recipes from Potluck

Here is a sneak peak at a few of the recipes for the upcoming potluck! Roasted Root Vegetables from Meredith Salvago 1 lb. turnips 1 lb. rutabagas 1 lb. carrots 1 lb. parsnips 3 shallots, halved 1/4 to 1/2 cup olive oil (your choice) 2 tbsp. chopped fresh rosemary 2 tsp. kosher salt 1 tsp. […]

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