Sunday June 4th: Yin Workshop with Victoria McIntyre

Sunday June 4th: Yin Workshop with Victoria McIntyre First Sunday of the month 4-5:15pmJune 4thClass Details75 minutes of yin yoga to soften and work into the connective tissues and joints. This class is perfect to unwind and prepare you for the week ahead. Expect extended holds, mostly in seated postures supported by props. This brings […]

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Summer Book Club: Sunday June 4th

Book Group facilitated by Mikhayla HarrellSunday July 9th 4-6pm The Alice Network by Kate QuinnPlease register so that we can send out reminders and other information. Book club meets downstairs. FREE EVENT. REGISTER HERE FOR BOOK CLUB

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Pranayama Workshop April 1st with Meredith Murphy

Pranayama Workshop with Meredith Murphy Saturday April 1st12:00-2pm Did you know Pranayama is the bridge between Meditation and Asana? “Prana” means “breath” or “life force”. “Yama” means “control”. Therefore pranayama means “controlling the breath or life force”. In this 1.5 hour workshop we will look at the anatomy & physics of the breath, sooth the nervous […]

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Sunday Jan. 29th: Yoga for the Pelvic Floor with Stacey Zimet

Yoga and the Pelvic Floor with Stacey ZimetSunday January 29th 12-2pm We’re delighted to offer monthly workshops dedicated to pelvic floor health with Stacey Zimet. These are perfect for those who are experiencing stress incontinence and other pelvic floor issues. They are also important for those who want to keep their pelvic floor muscles strong […]

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Skip the Resolutions for Contentment and Tranquility

This is the time to set resolutions and goals. Goals usually are set to satisfy our desires. We may want more money, less body weight, or a different job. We decide to cut sugar or alcohol, to use the latest productivity system to get more done. But deep down, do these goals and the desires behind […]

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Jan. 22nd 4-6pm: Vision Board & Goal Setting Workshop

Vision Board, Collage Making & Goal Setting Workshop with Mikhayla Harrell  Get your creative juices flowing to start 2023. In this workshop you’ll create your vision for 2023, set goals, and create a collage to see it through. All supplies included, but feel free to bring your own special items. Sunday January 22nd, 4-6pm Investment: $30 includes […]

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Inversions Workshop: Sat. January 14th 11-1pm

Inversions Workshop: Turn Your World Upside down!Saturday January 14th 11-1pm Taught by Meredith MurphyLet’s turn our world upside down! Join Meredith for a 2-hour workshop focusing on inverted poses. You’ll play with variations of headstand, handstand, forearm balance. Meredith will teach you the tools and mindsets necessary to to conquer them. We’ll explore how getting […]

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Holiday Clothing Drive for Ozenam Inn

December 1 – January 5th Clothing Drive for Ozenam Inn, a local homeless shelterHelp us to improve the lives of less fortunate New Orleaneans by donating to this clothing drive. We would like to thank the New Orleans Karma Yoga Collective for organizing this effort.  There will be a Holiday Drive from Dec 1- Jan 5 coordinated […]

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Black, Indigenous and People of Color YTT Scholarship

BIPOC ScholarshipAt Balance Yoga and Wellness we believe in the power of our local culture and community. We recognize that structural and institutional racism exists in the throughout our society. This filters down to the yoga, fitness, and wellness community. We believe representation matters, and BIPOC (Black, Indigenous People of Color) are under-represented in the […]

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Sunday Dec 18th 3-5pm: Balance Holiday Party

Balance Community Holiday PartySunday, December 18, 3-5pmJoin us to gather in celebration of community!We are grateful for the community that’s build around more than ten years of yoga at Balance. Teachers, students, staff, friends and family are welcome to join us. You’re encouraged to bring a light snack to share. We’ll have drinks and snacks […]

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