Lauren Cutuli

Yoga for recoveryCERTIFICATIONSI completed a 200-hour training at the Kripalu School of Yoga under the guidance of Michelle Dalbec and Steven Leonard. I am also a certified 12-step recovery yoga space holder and was trained by the founder of Y12SR, Nikki Myers. I also completed a 100HR Ayurveda training with Dhyana and Vira Masla through […]

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New Class: Yoga and Recovery with Lauren Cutuli

Tuesdays 7:30 – 8:45pm Taught by Lauren Cutuli Starts Tuesday August 9th Yoga & Recovery classes are intended to support those navigating or recovering from behavioral addictions and substance addictions. These classes are based on the Yoga of 12-Step Recovery Program (Y12SR). Classes combine the timeless wisdom of yoga, the practical tools of 12-step programs, and trauma-informed research. […]

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New Monthly Class: Reset and Restore with Victoria McIntyre

First Class: July 17th 4-5:30pm Taught by Victoria McIntyre Stay tuned for August dates:)Begin this 90-minute class with a slow vinyasa to warm the body.  Then you’ll ease into a mix of yin and restorative shapes to open the connective tissues and soften your entire outlook. Expect myofascial release work to target and release specific sticky areas […]

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An Evening of Yin Yoga and Reiki Energy Healing

Friday May 27th, 2022 7-8:30pmRelease Dense Energy, Initiate Deep Healing & Reclaim Your Inner Resiliency Facilitated by Victoria McIntyre and Kristen Donat Clear out negative energy and transition into your weekend with a 90-minute Yin and Reiki class.  Students will be guided through a yin practice: passive, longer-held postures that will be held for 2-10 minutes, targeting the […]

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Kristen Donat

Meditation, Reiki energy healingCERTIFICATIONSI’m trained in Reiki Energy Healing up to the master level by 3 different teachers. I was first attuned in 2015 in the traditional Usui style (level 1-3) and in 2019 I was trained in Holy Fire Reiki 3 (level 1-3). I’ve worked closely with multiple teachers to learn how to teach […]

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Andy Redmon

Guided ashtanga, ashtanga Mysore styleCERTIFICATIONSI completed the 200 hour yoga teacher training at Balance Yoga & Wellness in 2019 as well as David Swenson’s 40 hour Ashtanga Primary Series teacher training in 2021.  I have been practicing Ashtanga yoga consistently since 2015.MY INSPIRATIONMy inspiration comes from the belief that taking care of my body and […]

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